Podłącz swój system pod IKOL. Platforma IKOL bezpłatnie udostępnia klucze API dla developerów tworzących aplikacje ogólnodostępne dla wszystkich użytkowników IKOL.
There are two communication parties:
For most of the API functions there are two ways of authenticating a request:
Limits may apply to:
Function returns API system version basic information
Query example: https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetAPIVersion?login=user&password=pass&output=json https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetAPIVersion?sid=rokm0290p8qvgke2d5114df85&output=json
Default limitations:
1 request per account per 5 seconds
Query parameter | Format | Description |
login | String | Identifier of a user who is granted API access to at least one of the customer’s locators |
password | String | User password |
sid | String | Session identifier (this parameter is provided when session authentication method is used) |
output | [xml|json] | Output format |
Output example (JSON): { "version":{ "author": "ikol", "version": "1.1", "development": "stable" }, "result": 0, "resultdesc": "OK" }
Query parameter | Format | Description |
result | Integer | Numerical code of the result:
resultdesc | String | Result description |
version | Object | Version object |
version.author | String | API author |
version.version | String | API version and subversion |
version.development | String | Development status of this API version |
Function starts new user session and returns session identifier
Query example: https://api.ikol.pl/iaLoginSession?login=user&password=pass&output=json https://api.ikol.pl/iaLoginSession?login=user&password=pass&appkey=nHgdYtdg54&gcm_id=bk3RNwTe3H0:CI2k_HHwgIpoDKCIZvvDMExUdFQ3P1&gcm_stat=1&output=json
Default limitations:
No limitations
Query parameter | Format | Description |
login | String | Identifier of a user who is granted API acces to at least one of the customer’s locators |
password | String | User password |
appkey | String | Application API key (parameter used only for ikol certified applications that require application level API key) |
gcm_id | String | Optional parameter that represents GCM id |
gcm_stat | Integer | When GCM status is set to 1 application will receive standard alert messages from the system, if GCM status is set to 0 system will ignore this session and will not send GCM messages |
version | String | Application version (optional parameter that provides version of the application that logs in a user) |
output | [xml|json] | Output format |
Output example (JSON): { "sid": "dm7m0290p8qvgke2d5114df851", "user": { "name": "Roger", "last_name": "Gordon" }, "result": "0", "resultdesc": "OK" }
Query parameter | Format | Description |
result | Integer | Numerical code of the result:
resultdesc | String | Result description |
user | Object | User object |
user.name | String | Name of the logged user |
user.last_name | String | Last name of the logged user |
sid | String | Session identifier |
Function terminates existing user session
Query example: https://api.ikol.pl/iaLogoutSession?sid=lv28abstf5313k7ss5gp9jefa6&output=json
Default limitations:
No limitations
Query parameter | Format | Description |
sid | String | Session identifier |
output | [xml|json] | Output format |
Output example (JSON): { "result": "0", "resultdesc": "OK" }
Query parameter | Format | Description |
result | Integer | Numerical code of the result:
resultdesc | String | Result description |
Function returns list of user’s locators
Query example: https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetUserLocators?login=user&password=pass&output=json https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetUserLocators?sid=rokm0290p8qvgke2d5114df85&access_rights=DSPLY&output=json
Default limitations:
1 request per user per 300 seconds
Query parameter | Format | Description |
login | String | Identifier of a user who is granted API access to at least one of the customer’s locators |
password | String | User password |
sid | String | Session identifier (this parameter is provided when session authentication method is used) |
access_rights | String | Name of the access right to the locator:
Default value of this parameter is DSPLY. |
output | [xml|json] | Output format |
Output example (JSON): { "locators": [{ "group": { "name": "Test locators", "order": "1", "default_open": "1" }, "generalinfo": { "key": "apikey1", "id": "868789020145498", "platform": "V" }, "display": { "label": "CC9827A", "icon": "http://dev1.ikol.pl/graphics/icons/maps/v/carsmpy.png" }, "vehicle": { "make": "Mercedes", "model": "SPRINTER", "plateid": "CC9827A", "vin": "993477388288222" }, "users": { "mainuser": "Roger Bond" } }, { "group": { "name": "Test locators", "order": "1", "default_open": "1" }, "generalinfo": { "key": "apikey2", "id": "862170014709487", "platform": "V" }, "display": { "label": "John Wright", "icon": "http://dev1.ikol.pl/graphics/icons/maps/v/carsmpb.png" }, "vehicle": { "make": "Honda", "model": "ACCORD", "plateid": "X0PLATE", "vin": "ABC123456789ABCDEH" }, "users": { "mainuser": "Ann Frost" } }, { "group": { "name": "Private locators", "order": "2", "default_open": "0" }, "generalinfo": { "key": "apikey3", "id": "860599000023472", "platform": "P" }, "display": { "label": "ikol SPOT", "icon": "http://dev1.ikol.pl/graphics/icons/maps/v/carpckr.png" }, "users": { "mainuser": "Rex" } }], "result": "0", "resultdesc": "OK" }
Query parameter | Format | Description |
result | Integer | Numerical code of the result:
resultdesc | String | Result description |
locators | Array of Objects | Array of user locators |
locators[n].group | Object | Object of locator’s group |
locators[n].group.name | String | Group name |
locators[n].group.order | Integer | Group order index |
locators[n].group.default_open | [0|1] | Indicates whether locator’s group is open or closed by default:
locators[n].generalinfo | Object | Object of locator general information |
locators[n].generalinfo.key | String | Locator API key |
locators[n].generalinfo.id | String | Locator unique identifier |
locators[n].generalinfo.platform | Char[1] | Locator mobility platform:
locators[n].display | Object | Object of locator display information |
locators[n].display.label | String | Locator display label |
locators[n].display.icon | String | URL of the icon assigned to the locator |
locators[n].users | Object | Object of locator user assignments |
locators[n].users.mainuser | String | Locator main user name |
locators[n].vehicle | Object | If locator’s platform is Vehicle this object contains vehicle information |
locators[n].vehicle.make | String | Vehicle make |
locators[n].vehicle.model | String | Vehicle model |
locators[n].vehicle.plateid | String | Vehicle plate number (registration number) |
locators[n].vehicle.vin | String | Vehicle identification number (VIN) |
locators[n].device | Object | If locator’s platform is Mobile this object contains mobile device information |
locators[n].device.name | String | Name of the type of the device |
locators[n].device.make | String | Device make |
Function returns information about specified user. If no user parameters are specified, function returns current user information.
Query example: https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetUserInformation?login=user&password=pass&output=json https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetUserInformation?sid=rokm0290p8qvgke2d5114df85&key=kayne@example.com,lynch@example.com&output=json
Default limitations:
No limits
Query parameter | Format | Description |
login | String | Identifier of a user who is granted API access to at least one of the customer’s locators |
password | String | User password |
sid | String | Session identifier (this parameter is provided when session authentication method is used) |
key | String[,String] | Comma separated users logins |
output | [xml|json] | Output format |
timezone | [local|utc] | Defines what time zone should be used to represent date and time |
Output example (JSON): { "users": { "kayne@example.com": { "login": "kayne@example.com", "name": "Kayne", "surname": "", "email": "kayne@example.com", "phone": "", "activitydate": 20170105145125, "picture": "https://storage.ikol.pl/data/us/pics/Xmt7WNCdWO48jgI/picture_100.jpg", "stat": 0, "statdesc": "OK" }, "lynch@example.com": { "login": "lynch@example.com", "name": "Lynch", "surname": "", "email": "lynch@example.com", "phone": "", "activitydate": 20170105131155, "picture": "https://storage.ikol.pl/data/us/pics/Xmt7WNCdWO48jgI/picture_100.jpg", "stat": 0, "statdesc": "OK" } }, "result": 0, "resultdesc": "OK" }
Query parameter | Format | Description |
result | Integer | Numerical code of the result:
resultdesc | String | Result description |
users | Array of Objects | Array of users where email stands for key. When XML output is selected, email `key tag` is stripped from any characters that are not:
users.key.login | String | User login |
users.key.name | String | User name |
users.key.surname | String | User surname |
users.key.email | String | User email |
users.key.phone | String | User phone |
users.key.activitydate | YYYYmmddHHiiss | Last user activity (last login) |
users.key.picture | String | User picture |
users.key.stat | Integer | Status |
users.key.statdesc | String | User status description |
Function returns days of given year and month where at least one trip for given locators have existed.
Query example: https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorTripDaysOfMonth?login=user&password=pass&key=vehicle12345,locator67890&timezone=utc&date=201701&output=json https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorTripDaysOfMonth?sid=rokm0290p8qvgke2d5114df85&key=vehicle12345,locator67890&timezone=utc&date=201701&output=json
Query parameter | Format | Description |
login | String | Identifier of a user who is granted API access to at least one of the customer’s locators |
password | String | User password |
sid | String | Session identifier (this parameter is provided when session authentication method is used) |
key | String[,String] | Comma separated locator API keys |
date | String | Year and month passed as string. example: 201701 Passed year: 2017 Passed month: 01 This parameter is not mandatory. If empty, current month will be used. |
output | [xml|json] | Output format |
timezone | [local|utc] | Defines what time zone should be used to represent date and time both as an input and a result |
Output example (JSON): { "days": ["03", "10", "01", "02", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "11", "12", "13"], "result": 0, "resultdesc": "OK" }
Reply field | Format | Description |
result | Integer | Numerical code of the result:
resultdesc | String | Result description |
stat | Integer | Numerical code of a query status for given locators:
statdesc | String | Query status description for given locators. |
days | Array Of String | Array of days represented as two-character string. |
Function returns locator most recent odometer readings from both internal GPS counter and CAN/OBD readings if available
Query example: https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorOdometer?login=user&password=pass&key=vehicle12345,locator67890&output=json https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorOdometer?sid=rokm0290p8qvgke2d5114df85&key=vehicle12345,locator67890&output=json
Default limitations:
1 request per locator per 60 seconds
Query parameter | Format | Description |
login | String | Identifier of a user who is granted API access to at least one of the customer’s locators |
password | String | User password |
sid | String | Session identifier (this parameter is provided when session authentication method is used) |
key | String[,String] | Comma separated locator API keys |
output | [xml|json] | Output format |
timezone | [local|utc] | Defines what time zone should be used to represent date and time |
Output example (JSON): { "locator": { "vehicle12345": { "request": { "stat": 0, "statdesc": "OK" }, "odometer": { "value": 5268.5, "timestamp": "20130103184215", "valuecan": 65165, "timestampcan": "20130103214153" } }, "locator67890": { "request": { "stat": 0, "statdesc": "OK" }, "odometer": { "value": 8274.1, "timestamp": "20130103184115" } } }, "result": 0, "resultdesc": "OK" }
Query parameter | Format | Description |
result | Integer | Numerical code of the result:
resultdesc | String | Result description |
locator | Array of Objects | Array of locator objects identified by locator API key |
locator.key.request | Object | Object of locator request status |
locator.key.request.stat | Integer | Numerical code of the locator object status:
locator.key.request.statdesc | String | Locator object status description |
locator.key.odometer | Object | Object of locator odometer readouts |
locator.key.odometer.value | Double | Locator internal odometer value in km |
locator.key.odometer.timestamp | YYYYmmddHHiiss | Date and time of the odometer readout |
locator.key.odometer.valuecan | Double | Odometer value in km retrieved from the CAN bus of the vehicle |
locator.key.odometer.timestampcan | YYYYmmddHHiiss | Date and time of the odometer readout from CAN bus of the vehicle |
Function returns information about locator
Query example: https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorInformation?login=user&password=pass&key=vehicle12345,locator67890&output=json https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorInformation?sid=rokm0290p8qvgke2d5114df85&key=vehicle12345,locator67890&output=json
Default limitations:
1 request per locator per 300 seconds
Query parameter | Format | Description |
login | String | Identifier of a user who is granted API access to at least one of the customer’s locators |
password | String | User password |
sid | String | Session identifier (this parameter is provided when session authentication method is used) |
key | String[,String] | Comma separated locator API keys |
output | [xml|json] | Output format |
Output example (JSON): { "locator": { "vehicle12345": { "request": { "stat": "0", "statdesc": "OK" }, "generalinfo": { "id": "513286020469756", "hardware": "ikol Go", "platform": "V" }, "display": { "label": "Ford Jimmy", "icon": "http://system.ikol.pl/graphics/icons/maps/v/carmanb.png" }, "vehicle": { "make": "Ford", "model": "Focus", "plateid": "XT63527", "vin": "VMFD251RADJ009851" }, "users": { "mainuser": "Jimmy Logan" } }, "locator67890": { "request": { "stat": "0", "statdesc": "OK" }, "generalinfo": { "id": "358853052175754", "hardware": "ikol X Android", "platform": "M" }, "display": { "label": "Marry Samsung", "icon": "http://system.ikol.pl/graphics/icons/maps/v/carwomr.png" }, "device": { "name": "SMARTFON", "make": "SAMSUNG" }, "users": { "mainuser": "Marry Logan" } } }, "result": "0", "resultdesc": "OK" }
Query parameter | Format | Description |
result | Integer | Numerical code of the result:
resultdesc | String | Result description |
locator | Array of Objects | Array of locator objects identified by locator API key |
locator.key.request | Object | Object of locator request status |
locator.key.request.stat | Integer | Numerical code of the locator object status:
locator.key.request.statdesc | String | Locator object status description |
locator.key.generalinfo | Object | Object of locator general information |
locator.key.generalinfo.id | String | Locator unique identifier |
locator.key.generalinfo.hardware | String | Version of locator hardware |
locator.key.generalinfo.platform | Char[1] | Locator mobility platform:
locator.key.display | Object | Object of locator display information |
locator.key.display.label | String | Locator display label |
locator.key.display.icon | String | URL of the icon assigned to the locator |
locator.key.users | Object | Object of locator user assignments |
locator.key.users.mainuser | String | Locator main user name |
locator.key.vehicle | Object | If locator’s platform is Vehicle this object contains vehicle information |
locator.key.vehicle.make | String | Vehicle make |
locator.key.vehicle.model | String | Vehicle model |
locator.key.vehicle.plateid | String | Vehicle plate number (registration number) |
locator.key.vehicle.vin | String | Vehicle identification number (VIN) |
locator.key.device | Object | If locator’s platform is Mobile this object contains mobile device information |
locator.key.device.name | String | Name of the type of the device |
locator.key.device.make | String | Device make |
Function returns locator trip data from the selected date span
Query example: https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorTrips?login=user&password=pass&key=vehicle12345,locator67890&starttime=20120101000000&stoptime=20120102235959&timezone=utc&output=json https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorTrips?sid=rokm0290p8qvgke2d5114df85&key=vehicle12345,locator67890&starttime=20120101000000&stoptime=20120102235959&timezone=utc&output=json
Default limitations:
1 request per locator per 300 seconds
Date span of the requested report may not exceed 62 days
Query parameter | Format | Description |
login | String | Identifier of a user who is granted API access to at least one of the customer’s locators |
password | String | User password |
sid | String | Session identifier (this parameter is provided when session authentication method is used) |
key | String[,String] | Comma separated locator API keys |
starttime | YYYYmmddHHiiss | String representing start of the requested trip report, default value is the beginning of the current day |
stoptime | YYYYmmddHHiiss | String representing stop of the requested trip report, default value is the current time |
route | [false|true] | Whether to attach encoded trip route |
output | [xml|json] | Output format |
timezone | [local|utc] | Defines what time zone should be used to represent date and time both as an input and a result |
Output example (JSON): { "locator": { "vehicle12345": { "request": { "stat": "0", "statdesc": "OK" }, "trips": [{ "journey": { "timestamp": "20110101182339", "distance": "16900", "duration": "1116", "geopoint": { "lat": "51.099517", "lng": "22.799573" }, "usetype": "0", "fuelused": "0.81", "fuelconsumption": "4.79" }, "attitude": { "overrpm": 0, "accel": 1, "brake": 3, "overspeed": 0, "turn": 0 }, "stop": { "timestamp": "20110101184215", "duration": "51423", "geopoint": { "lat": "51.099517", "lng": "22.799573" }, "address": { "country": "Polska", "region": "mazowieckie", "city": "Janki", "street": "Akacjowa 32" }, "point": { "name": "TOP SERVICE", "global": "0" } } }, { "journey": { "timestamp": "20110101205918", "distance": "15700", "duration": "935", "geopoint": { "lat": "51.099517", "lng": "22.799573" }, "usetype": "0", "route": "ktwxfBcwbgb@]qIlhLumE`oFd~D", "fuelused": "0.83", "fuelconsumption": "5.29" }, "attitude": { "overrpm": 1, "accel": 0, "brake": 1, "overspeed": 0, "turn": 0 }, "stop": { "timestamp": "20110101211453", "duration": "-1", "geopoint": { "lat": "51.099517", "lng": "22.799573" }, "address": { "country": "Polska", "region": "mazowieckie", "city": "Warszawa", "street": "Aleja Krakowska 48/52" }, "point": { "name": "LOJACK S.A.", "global": "0" } } } ], "tripinfo": { "summary": { "journeydistance": "32600", "journeyduration": "2051", "stopduration": "98865", "totalfuelused": "1.64", "totalfuelconsumption": "5.03", "attitude": { "mask": "01f", "overspeed": "0", "overrpm": "1", "accel": "1", "brake": "4", "turn": "0" } }, "count": "2" } }, "ikolxewa": { "request": { "stat": "0", "statdesc": "OK" }, "trips": [{ "journey": { "timestamp": "20110101104820", "distance": "3822.325742607", "duration": "1508", "geopoint": { "lat": "52.099517", "lng": "20.799573" }, "usetype": "0", "route": "eg}{bBcxy{f@yp@iFtn@alHthBwxUaSceLFK??}c@mb@yHrfD||Zo`HzxN|oG??xpQ{vNzzTolV|eQauMdmU}a@jwUtfq@h|yfmAtbGctBzpGluPziZvkg@zjh@chCnog@wOdtJgrB|wK|hSbgYfvf@tMhV`gF}~``Oggz@`iZwsGhkSm_MlqIydOjENjuMkYEA??", "fuelused": "", "fuelconsumption": "" }, "stop": { "timestamp": "20110101111328", "duration": "891", "geopoint": { "lat": "52.099517", "lng": "20.799573" }, "address": { "country": "", "region": "", "city": "", "street": "" }, "point": { "name": "", "global": "" } } ], "tripinfo": { "summary": { "journeydistance": "50469", "journeyduration": "16555", "stopduration": "84361", "totalfuelused": "0", "totalfuelconsumption": "0", "attitude": { "mask": "01f", "overspeed": "0", "overrpm": "0", "accel": "0", "brake": "0", "turn": "0" } }, "count": "1" } } }, "result": "0", "resultdesc": "OK" }
Reply field | Format | Description |
result | Integer | Numerical code of the result:
resultdesc | String | Result description |
locator | Array of Objects | Array of locator objects identified by locator API key |
locator.key.request | Object | Object of locator request status |
locator.key.request.stat | Integer | Numerical code of the locator object status:
locator.key.request.statdesc | String | Locator object status description |
locator.key.trips | Array of Object | Array of trip objects |
locator.key.trips[n].journey | Object | Object of trip movement information |
locator.key.trips[n].journey.timestamp | YYYYmmddHHiiss | Journey start date and time |
locator.key.trips[n].journey.distance | Integer | Journey distance in meters |
locator.key.trips[n].journey.duration | Integer | Journey duration in seconds. -1 is returned if the duration may not be provided |
locator.key.trips[n].journey.geopoint | Object | Object of geo point of the trip start location |
locator.key.trips[n].journey.geopoint.lat | Double | Latitude of the trip start location |
locator.key.trips[n].journey.geopoint.lng | Double | Longitude of the trip start location |
locator.key.trips[n].journey.usetype | Integer | Trip type identifier:
Information is available if „private/business trips” service is enabled for this locator |
locator.key.trips[n].journey.route | String | Encoded trip route (consult Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format) |
locator.key.trips[n].journey.fuelused | Double | Fuel used during the trip in liters, information is available if „CAN support” service is enabled for this locator |
locator.key.trips[n].journey.fuelconsumption | Double | Fuel consumption during the trip in liters per 100km, information is available if „CAN support” service is enabled for this locator |
locator.key.trips[n].attitude | Object | Object of user driving attitudes |
locator.key.trips[n].attitude.accel | Integer | Harsh accelerations count |
locator.key.trips[n].attitude.brake | Integer | Harsh brakes count |
locator.key.trips[n].attitude.overrpm | Integer | High engine RPM’s count |
locator.key.trips[n].attitude.overspeed | Integer | Overspeeds count |
locator.key.trips[n].attitude.turn | Integer | Harsh turns count |
locator.key.trips[n].stop | Object | Object of trip stop information |
locator.key.trips[n].stop.timestamp | YYYYmmddHHiiss | Journey stop date and time |
locator.key.trips[n].stop.duration | Integer | Stop duration in seconds. -1 is returned of the duration may not be provided. |
locator.key.trips[n].stop.geopoint | Object | Object of geo point of the trip stop location |
locator.key.trips[n].stop.geopoint.lat | Double | Latitude of the trip stop location |
locator.key.trips[n].stop.geopoint.lng | Double | Longitude of the trip stop location |
locator.key.trips[n].stop.address | Object | Object of address data of the trip stop location, information is available if „Address decoding” service is enabled for this locator |
locator.key.trips[n].stop.address.country | String | Country of the stop location address |
locator.key.trips[n].stop.address.region | String | Region/District/State of the stop location address |
locator.key.trips[n].stop.address.city | String | City of the stop location address |
locator.key.trips[n].stop.address.street | String | Street of the stop location address |
locator.key.trips[n].stop.point | Object | Object of point information of the trip stop location, information is available if „Geographical customer/point database” service is enabled for this locator |
locator.key.trips[n].stop.point.name | String | Name of the point/customer |
locator.key.trips[n].stop.point.type | String | Point type name |
locator.key.trips[n].stop.point.global | String | Point global status:
locator.key.tripinfo | Object | Object of all requested trips summary |
locator.key.tripinfo.count | Integer | Count of all trips of the locator |
locator.key.tripinfo.summary | Object | Object of summary data of the trips if at least one trip is returned |
locator.key.tripinfo.summary.journeydistance | Integer | Total trips distance in meters |
locator.key.tripinfo.summary.journeyduration | Integer | Total trips duration in seconds |
locator.key.tripinfo.summary.stopduration | Integer | Total stops duration in seconds |
locator.key.tripinfo.summary.totalfuelused | Double | Total fuel used in liters |
locator.key.tripinfo.summary.totalfuelconsumption | Double | Total average fuel consumption in liters per 100km |
locator.key.tripinfo.summary.attitude | Object | Object of summary data of the trip attitude exceptions |
locator.key.tripinfo.summary.attitude.mask | Hex | Hexadecimal mask of the attitude exceptions available for the attitude object. LSB order:
locator.key.tripinfo.summary.attitude.accel | Integer | Harsh accelerations count |
locator.key.tripinfo.summary.attitude.brake | Integer | Harsh braking count |
locator.key.tripinfo.summary.attitude.turn | Integer | Harsh turns count |
locator.key.tripinfo.summary.attitude.overspeed | Integer | Overspeeds count |
locator.key.tripinfo.summary.attitude.overrpm | Integer | High RPM count |
Function returns day during which locator had at least one trip
Query example: https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorLastTripDay?login=user&password=pass&key=vehicle12345,locator67890&threshold_time=20120101000000&output=json https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorLastTripDay?sid=rokm0290p8qvgke2d5114df85&key=vehicle12345,locator67890&threshold_time=20120101000000&output=json
Default limitations:
1 request per locator per 300 seconds
Query parameter | Format | Description |
login | String | Identifier of a user who is granted API access to at least one of the customer’s locators |
password | String | User password |
sid | String | Session identifier (this parameter is provided when session authentication method is used) |
key | String[,String] | Comma separated locator API keys |
threshold_time | YYYYmmddHHiiss | String representing threshold day in or before which trip day is looked for (dafault value is current day) |
only_real | 1|0 | Whether only not ignored trips are taken into account |
output | [xml|json] | Output format |
Output example (JSON): { "locator": { "vehicle12345": { "request": { "stat": 0, "statdesc": "OK" }, "day": "20161220" }, "locator67890": { "request": { "stat": 0, "statdesc": "OK" }, "day": "20161219" } }, "result": 0, "resultdesc": "OK" }
Reply field | Format | Description |
result | Integer | Numerical code of the result:
resultdesc | String | Result description |
locator | Array of Objects | Array of locator objects identified by locator API key |
locator.key.request | Object | Object of locator request status |
locator.key.request.stat | Integer | Numerical code of the locator object status:
locator.key.request.statdesc | String | Locator object status description |
locator.key.day | YYYYmmdd | Date of the last trip before threshold_time. When no such day is found empty value is returned. |
Function returns most recent locator position together with additional information regarding this reading
Query example: https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorLastPosition?login=user&password=pass&key=vehicle12345,locator67890&timezone=utc&output=json https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorLastPosition?sid=rokm0290p8qvgke2d5114df85&key=vehicle12345,locator67890&timezone=utc&output=json
Default limitations:
1 request per locator per 60 seconds
Query parameter | Format | Description |
login | String | Identifier of a user who is granted API access to at least one of the customer’s locators |
password | String | User password |
sid | String | Session identifier (this parameter is provided when session authentication method is used) |
key | String[,String] | Comma separated locator API keys |
output | [xml|json] | Output format |
timezone | [local|utc] | Defines what time zone should be used to represent date and time both as an input and a result |
Output example (JSON): { "locator": { "apikey1": { "request": { "stat": "0", "statdesc": "OK" }, "position": { "mask": "231", "gps": { "timestamp": "20150531140352", "expired": "0", "geopoint": { "lat": "51.025617", "lng": "16.886183" }, "acquisition": "GPS", "accuracy": "0", "heading": { "value": "128", "dir": "SE" }, "gpsfix": "0", "speed": "0", "speedlimit": "0" }, "extra": { "icon": "http://img.ikol.pl/graphics/icons/maps/v/carlugn_0_0_0_0_1_3_1_0.png" }, "tech": { "backupbattery": { "level": "91", "status": "0" } } } }, "apikey2": { "request": { "stat": "0", "statdesc": "OK" }, "position": { "mask": "dfb", "gps": { "timestamp": "20150531142322", "expired": "0", "geopoint": { "lat": "52.169508", "lng": "20.938908" }, "acquisition": "GPS", "accuracy": "1", "heading": { "value": "27", "dir": "NE" }, "gpsfix": "1", "speed": "0", "speedlimit": "0", "altitude": "107.6" }, "extra": { "icon": "http://img.ikol.pl/graphics/icons/maps/v/cartrkr_0_0_0_0_1_3_0_0.png", "driver": { "name": "Michau0142 Kowalski", "ibutton": "" } }, "tech": { "ignition": "0", "movestate": "3", "power": "12.866", "powerok": "1", "engineon": "0", "odometer": { "value": "67508.8", "valuetype": "H" }, "worktime": "28.505555555556", "fuel": { "level": "16", "leveltype": "P", "range": "143" }, "rpm": 1742, "coolanttemp": 62, "axleweight": 1500, "tachodata": { "driver1": "1132", "driver2": "0000" } "indicators": { "mask": "1111111111111111", "active_mask": "0000000010001000" }, "ignitioncrtl": { "status": "0", "phase": "0" } } } } }, "result": "0", "resultdesc": "OK" }
Reply field | Format | Description |
result | Integer | Numerical code of the result:
resultdesc | String | Result description |
locator | Array of Objects | Array of locator objects identified by locator API key |
locator.key.request | Object | Object of locator request status |
locator.key.request.stat | Integer | Numerical code of the locator object status:
locator.key.request.statdesc | String | Locator object status description |
locator.key.position | Array of Object | Array of position objects |
locator.key.position.mask | Hex | Hexadecimal mask of the information available for the position object. LSB order:
locator.key.position.gps | Object | Object of the GPS related location information |
locator.key.position.gps.timestamp | YYYYmmddHHiiss | Location acquire date and time |
locator.key.position.gps.expired | Integer | GPS location expired status:
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint | Object | Object of geo point of the location |
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.lat | Double | Latitude of the location |
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.lng | Double | Longitude of the location |
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.acquisition | String | Type of the GPS acqisition:
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.accuracy | Integer | Accuracy of the location, value roughly represents the location reading error in meters |
locator.key.position.gps.heading | Object | Object of heading values |
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.heading.value | Integer | Heading angle in degrees, 0 represents North |
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.heading.dir | String | Heading direction:
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.heading.gpsfix | Integer | Status of the GPS fix:
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.heading.speed | Double | Speed reading in kilometers per hour [km/h] |
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.heading.speedlimit | Integer | Status of the internal speed limit reach:
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.heading.altitude | Double | Altitude above mean sea level reading in meters [m] |
locator.key.position.tech | Object | Object of the device/vehicle related information |
locator.key.position.tech.ignition | Integer | Status of the ignition:
locator.key.position.tech.movestate | Integer | Movement state:
locator.key.position.tech.power | Double | Voltage of the main power supply in Volts [V] |
locator.key.position.tech.powerok | Integer | Main power supply status:
locator.key.position.tech.engineon | Integer | Engine status:
locator.key.position.tech.odometer | Object | Object of the odometer information |
locator.key.position.tech.odometer.value | Double | Odometer value acquired from the internal GPS counter. |
locator.key.position.tech.odometer.valuetype | String | Type of odometer value:
locator.key.position.tech.fuel | Object | Object of the fuel information |
locator.key.position.tech.fuel.level | Double | Fuel level value |
locator.key.position.tech.fuel.leveltype | String | Type of fuel level value:
locator.key.position.tech.fuel.range | Double | Possible range in [km] related to fuel level. |
locator.key.position.tech.coolanttemp | Double | Coolant temperature [Celcius degrees] |
locator.key.position.tech.axleweight | Double | Current axle weight [kg] |
locator.key.position.tech.rpm | Integer | Revolutions per minute (RPM) |
locator.key.position.tech.tachodata | Object | Object of tachometer information |
locator.key.position.tech.tachodata.driver1 | String | String mask informing about 1-st driver status
Mask example: 1132 (card inserted, driver is valid, driving, 4.5 hours reached) |
locator.key.position.tech.tachodata.driver2 | String | String mask informing about 2-nd driver status
Mask example: 1132 (card inserted, driver is valid, driving, 4.5 hours reached) |
locator.key.position.tech.indicators | Object | Object of the indicators information |
locator.key.position.tech.indicators.mask | String | String mask informing which indicators are available. Each position is relaetd to specific indicator in following order:
Mask example: 0001001001110000 |
locator.key.position.tech.indicators.active_mask | String | String mask. Defining which of avaliable indicators are currently active.
locator.key.position.tech.worktime | Double | Locator on time in hours [h] |
locator.key.position.tech.ignitionctrl | Object | Object of the ignition control information |
locator.key.position.tech.ignitionctrl.status | Integer | Status of the ignition controller:
locator.key.position.tech.ignitionctrl.phase | Integer | Status of the shifting phase of the ignition controller:
locator.key.position.tech.backupbattery | Object | Object of the backup battery information |
locator.key.position.tech.backupbattery.level | Integer | Status of the internal battery charge level in percentages of the full charge [%] |
locator.key.position.tech.backupbattery.status | Integer | Status of the internal battery:
locator.key.position.extra | Object | Object of the additional position information |
locator.key.position.tech.extra.icon | String | URL of the image representing current state of the locator |
locator.key.position.extra.driver | Object | Object of the detected driver |
locator.key.position.tech.extra.driver.name | String | Name of the detected driver |
locator.key.position.tech.extra.driver.ibutton | Hex | Identifier of the iButton card detected if the name of the driver cannot be determined |
Function returns locator position of the locator reading closest to the specified date and time together with additional information regarding this reading
Query example: https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorPosition?login=user&password=pass&key=vehicle12345,locator67890×tamp=20150831130100&timezone=utc&output=json https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorPosition?sid=rokm0290p8qvgke2d5114df85&key=vehicle12345,locator67890×tamp=20150831130100&timezone=utc&output=json
Default limitations:
1 request per locator per 60 seconds
Query parameter | Format | Description |
login | String | Identifier of a user who is granted API access to at least one of the customer’s locators |
password | String | User password |
sid | String | Session identifier (this parameter is provided when session authentication method is used) |
key | String[,String] | Comma separated locator API keys |
timestamp | YYYYmmddHHiiss | String representing timestamp of the requested locator position |
output | [xml|json] | Output format |
timezone | [local|utc] | Defines what time zone should be used to represent date and time both as an input and a result |
Output example (JSON): { "locator": { "apikey1": { "request": { "stat": "0", "statdesc": "OK" }, "position": { "mask": "231", "gps": { "timestamp": "20150531140352", "expired": "0", "geopoint": { "lat": "51.025617", "lng": "16.886183" }, "acquisition": "GPS", "accuracy": "0", "heading": { "value": "128", "dir": "SE" }, "gpsfix": "0", "speed": "0", "speedlimit": "0" }, "extra": { "icon": "http://img.ikol.pl/graphics/icons/maps/v/carlugn_0_0_0_0_1_3_1_0.png" }, "tech": { "backupbattery": { "level": "91", "status": "0" } } } }, "apikey2": { "request": { "stat": "0", "statdesc": "OK" }, "position": { "mask": "dfb", "gps": { "timestamp": "20150531142322", "expired": "0", "geopoint": { "lat": "52.169508", "lng": "20.938908" }, "acquisition": "GPS", "accuracy": "1", "heading": { "value": "27", "dir": "NE" }, "gpsfix": "1", "speed": "0", "speedlimit": "0", "altitude": "107.6" }, "extra": { "icon": "http://img.ikol.pl/graphics/icons/maps/v/cartrkr_0_0_0_0_1_3_0_0.png", "driver": { "name": "Michau0142 Kowalski", "ibutton": "" } }, "tech": { "ignition": "0", "movestate": "3", "power": "12.866", "powerok": "1", "engineon": "0", "odometer": { "value": "67508.8" }, "worktime": "28.505555555556", "ignitioncrtl": { "status": "0", "phase": "0" } } } } }, "result": "0", "resultdesc": "OK" }
Reply field | Format | Description |
result | Integer | Numerical code of the result:
resultdesc | String | Result description |
locator | Array of Objects | Array of locator objects identified by locator API key |
locator.key.request | Object | Object of locator request status |
locator.key.request.stat | Integer | Numerical code of the locator object status:
locator.key.request.statdesc | String | Locator object status description |
locator.key.position | Array of Object | Array of position objects |
locator.key.position.mask | Hex | Hexadecimal mask of the information available for the position object. LSB order:
locator.key.position.gps | Object | Object of the GPS related location information |
locator.key.position.gps.timestamp | YYYYmmddHHiiss | Location acquire date and time |
locator.key.position.gps.expired | Integer | GPS location expired status:
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint | Object | Object of geo point of the location |
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.lat | Double | Latitude of the location |
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.lng | Double | Longitude of the location |
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.acquisition | String | Type of the GPS acqisition:
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.accuracy | Integer | Accuracy of the location, value roughly represents the location reading error in meters |
locator.key.position.gps.heading | Object | Object of heading values |
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.heading.value | Integer | Heading angle in degrees, 0 represents North |
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.heading.dir | String | Heading direction:
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.heading.gpsfix | Integer | Status of the GPS fix:
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.heading.speed | Double | Speed reading in kilometers per hour [km/h] |
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.heading.speedlimit | Integer | Status of the internal speed limit reach:
locator.key.position.gps.geopoint.heading.altitude | Double | Altitude above mean sea level reading in meters [m] |
locator.key.position.tech | Object | Object of the device/vehicle related information |
locator.key.position.tech.ignition | Integer | Status of the ignition:
locator.key.position.tech.movestate | Integer | Movement state:
locator.key.position.tech.power | Double | Voltage of the main power supply in Volts [V] |
locator.key.position.tech.powerok | Integer | Main power supply status:
locator.key.position.tech.engineon | Integer | Engine status:
locator.key.position.tech.odometer | Object | Object of the odometer information |
locator.key.position.tech.odometer.value | Double | Odometer value acquired from the internal GPS counter in kilometers [km] |
locator.key.position.tech.worktime | Double | Locator on time in hours [h] |
locator.key.position.tech.ignitionctrl | Object | Object of the ignition control information |
locator.key.position.tech.ignitionctrl.status | Integer | Status of the ignition controller:
locator.key.position.tech.ignitionctrl.phase | Integer | Status of the shifting phase of the ignition controller:
locator.key.position.tech.backupbattery | Object | Object of the backup battery information |
locator.key.position.tech.backupbattery.level | Integer | Status of the internal battery charge level in percentages of the full charge [%] |
locator.key.position.tech.backupbattery.status | Integer | Status of the internal battery:
locator.key.position.extra | Object | Object of the additional position information |
locator.key.position.tech.extra.icon | String | URL of the image representing current state of the locator |
locator.key.position.extra.driver | Object | Object of the detected driver |
locator.key.position.tech.extra.driver.name | String | Name of the detected driver |
locator.key.position.tech.extra.driver.ibutton | Hex | Identifier of the iButton card detected if the name of the driver cannot be determined |
Function returns locator’s last available notification events since the specified date and time or time offset
Query example: https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorLastNotifications?login=user&password=pass&mask=80&timezone=utc&output=json https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorLastNotifications?sid=rokm0290p8qvgke2d5114df85&mask=80&timezone=utc&output=json
Default limitations:
1 request per locator per 5 minutes
Query parameter | Format | Description |
login | String | Identifier of a user who is granted API access to at least one of the customer’s locators |
password | String | User password |
sid | String | Session identifier (this parameter is provided when session authentication method is used) |
key | String[,String] | Comma separated locator API keys. If no key is provided function will produce report for all available locators. |
starttime | YYYYmmddHHiiss | String representing start of the requested notification report, default value is the time of one hour before current time |
offset_time | Integer | Number of minutes before the current time when the requested notification report should start (this serves as an alternative to providing starttime paramter) |
timestamp_type | [create|event] | If the timestamp type is set to „event” function will return all the notifications that happened within the requested time span, if timestamp type is set to „create” function will return all the notifications that were delivered to the system within the requested time span (the latter may be used for getting uniquely stored notification events). |
mask | Hex | Hexadecimal mask of requested notification types (default value is 3fff). LSB order:
output | [xml|json] | Output format |
timezone | [local|utc] | Defines what time zone should be used to represent date and time both as an input and a result |
Output example (JSON): { "locator": { "vehicle12345": { "notifications": [{ "id": "I3:5593cd", "event": "80", "timestamp": "20161025172141", "params": { "action": "0" }, "geopoint": { "lat": "52.379023", "lng": "20.917542" } }, { "id": "I3:5591ad", "event": "10", "timestamp": "20161025171526", "params": { "action": "0", "name": "workplace", "key": "vehicle12345:workplace", "stat": "1" }, "geopoint": { "lat": "52.134878", "lng": "20.976235" } }, { "id": "I3:558fae", "event": "80", "timestamp": "20161025170320", "params": { "action": "1" }, "geopoint": { "lat": "52.404122", "lng": "20.877599" } }, { "id": "I3:5580e7", "event": "1", "timestamp": "20161025155802", "geopoint": { "lat": "52.379614", "lng": "20.912762" } }, { "id": "I3:5578db", "event": "10", "timestamp": "20161025152324", "params": { "action": "1", "name": "school", "key": "vehicle12345:school", "stat": "1" }, "geopoint": { "lat": "52.138478", "lng": "20.97694" } }, { "id": "I3:54feaa", "event": "10", "timestamp": "20161025054303", "params": { "action": "0", "name": "Garden State", "key": "vehicle12345:gardenstate", "stat": "1" }, "geopoint": { "lat": "52.1151", "lng": "20.973816" } }], "request": { "stat": "0", "statdesc": "OK" } }, "locator67890": { "notifications": [{ "id": "I1:411af2d", "event": "80", "timestamp": "20161025180248", "params": { "action": "0" }, "geopoint": { "lat": "52.140189", "lng": "21.041366" } }, { "id": "I1:411a602", "event": "80", "timestamp": "20161025172707", "params": { "action": "1" }, "geopoint": { "lat": "52.140189", "lng": "21.041366" } }], "request": { "stat": "0", "statdesc": "OK" } } }, "result": "0", "resultdesc": "OK" }
Reply field | Format | Description |
result | Integer | Numerical code of the result:
resultdesc | String | Result description |
locator | Array of Objects | Array of locator objects identified by locator API key |
locator.key.request | Object | Object of locator request status |
locator.key.request.stat | Integer | Numerical code of the locator object status:
locator.key.request.statdesc | String | Locator object status description |
locator.key.notifications | Array of Objects | Array of notification objects |
locator.key.notifications[n].id | String | Notification event unique identifier |
locator.key.notifications[n].event | Hex | Hexadecimal representation of the notification event
locator.key.notifications[n].timestamp | YYYYmmddHHiiss | Notification event date and time |
locator.key.notifications[n].params | Objects | Object of notification event parameters |
locator.key.notifications[n].params.action | Integer | For event 10:
For event 40:
For event 80:
For event 800:
For event 1000:
For event 2000:
locator.key.notifications[n].params.name | String | For event 10: Name of the geo zone For event 200: Long stop period For event 400: Long movement period For event 800: Digital input name |
locator.key.notifications[n].params.key | String | API key of the alert that triggered notification |
locator.key.notifications[n].params.stat | Integer | Status of the alert that triggered notification |
locator.key.notifications[n].geopoint | Objects | Object of geo point of the notification event |
locator.key.notifications[n].geopoint.lat | Double | Latitude of the notification event |
locator.key.notifications[n].geopoint.lng | Double | Longitude of the notification event |
Function returns locator’s notification events within the specified date and time span
Query example: https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorNotifications?login=user&password=pass&key=vehicle12345,locator67890&starttime=20150831130100&stoptime=20150831235959&timezone=utc&output=json https://api.ikol.pl/iaGetLocatorNotifications?sid=rokm0290p8qvgke2d5114df85&key=vehicle12345,locator67890&starttime=20150831130100&stoptime=20150831235959&timezone=utc&output=json
Default limitations:
1 request per locator per 5 minutes
Time span of the requested report may not exceed 24 hours
Query parameter | Format | Description |
login | String | Identifier of a user who is granted API access to at least one of the customer’s locators |
password | String | User password |
sid | String | Session identifier (this parameter is provided when session authentication method is used) |
key | String[,String] | Comma separated locator API keys |
starttime | YYYYmmddHHiiss | String representing start of the requested notification report, default value is the time of one before current time |
stoptime | YYYYmmddHHiiss | String representing stop of the requested trip report, default value is the current time |
mask | Hex | Hexadecimal mask of requested notification types (default value is 3fff). LSB order:
output | [xml|json] | Output format |
timezone | [local|utc] | Defines what time zone should be used to represent date and time both as an input and a result |
Output example (JSON): { "locator": { "vehicle12345": { "notifications": [{ "id": "I3:5593cd", "event": "80", "timestamp": "20161025172141", "params": { "action": "0" }, "geopoint": { "lat": "52.379023", "lng": "20.917542" } }, { "id": "I3:5591ad", "event": "10", "timestamp": "20161025171526", "params": { "action": "0", "name": "workplace", "key": "vehicle12345:workplace", "stat": "1" }, "geopoint": { "lat": "52.134878", "lng": "20.976235" } }, { "id": "I3:558fae", "event": "80", "timestamp": "20161025170320", "params": { "action": "1" }, "geopoint": { "lat": "52.404122", "lng": "20.877599" } }, { "id": "I3:5580e7", "event": "1", "timestamp": "20161025155802", "geopoint": { "lat": "52.379614", "lng": "20.912762" } }, { "id": "I3:5578db", "event": "10", "timestamp": "20161025152324", "params": { "action": "1", "name": "school", "key": "vehicle12345:school", "stat": "1" }, "geopoint": { "lat": "52.138478", "lng": "20.97694" } }, { "id": "I3:54feaa", "event": "10", "timestamp": "20161025054303", "params": { "action": "0", "name": "Garden State", "key": "vehicle12345:gardenstate", "stat": "1" }, "geopoint": { "lat": "52.1151", "lng": "20.973816" } }], "request": { "stat": "0", "statdesc": "OK" } }, "locator67890": { "notifications": [{ "id": "I1:411af2d", "event": "80", "timestamp": "20161025180248", "params": { "action": "0" }, "geopoint": { "lat": "52.140189", "lng": "21.041366" } }, { "id": "I1:411a602", "event": "80", "timestamp": "20161025172707", "params": { "action": "1" }, "geopoint": { "lat": "52.140189", "lng": "21.041366" } }], "request": { "stat": "0", "statdesc": "OK" } } }, "result": "0", "resultdesc": "OK" }
Reply field | Format | Description |
result | Integer | Numerical code of the result:
resultdesc | String | Result description |
locator | Array of Objects | Array of locator objects identified by locator API key |
locator.key.request | Object | Object of locator request status |
locator.key.request.stat | Integer | Numerical code of the locator object status:
locator.key.request.statdesc | String | Locator object status description |
locator.key.notifications | Array of Objects | Array of notification objects |
locator.key.notifications[n].id | String | Notification event unique identifier |
locator.key.notifications[n].event | Hex | Hexadecimal representation of the notification event
locator.key.notifications[n].timestamp | YYYYmmddHHiiss | Notification event date and time |
locator.key.notifications[n].params | Objects | Object of notification event parameters |
locator.key.notifications[n].params.action | Integer | For event 10:
For event 40:
For event 80:
For event 800:
For event 1000:
For event 2000:
locator.key.notifications[n].params.name | String | For event 10: Name of the geo zone For event 200: Long stop period For event 400: Long movement period For event 800: Digital input name |
locator.key.notifications[n].params.key | String | API key of the alert that triggered notification |
locator.key.notifications[n].params.stat | Integer | Status of the alert that triggered notification |
locator.key.notifications[n].geopoint | Objects | Object of geo point of the notification event |
locator.key.notifications[n].geopoint.lat | Double | Latitude of the notification event |
locator.key.notifications[n].geopoint.lng | Double | Longitude of the notification event |
<?php /* * Example of getting locator information via ikol API (HTTPS) in json format */ //API user login $login = "demo@ikol.com"; //API user password $password = "demo"; //API script URL $url = "https://api.ikol.pl/"; //Name of the API function $function = "iaGetLocatorTrips"; //API keys of the locators $keys = array('apikey1', 'apikey2'); // output format $output = 'json'; // compse URI $uri = $url . $function . '?login=' . $login . '&password=' . $password .'&key='. implode(',', $keys) .'&output=' . $output; // create curl resource $ch = curl_init(); // set url curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $uri); //return the transfer as a string curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // $output contains the output string $output = curl_exec($ch); // close curl resource to free up system resources curl_close($ch); $output_object = json_decode($output); print_r($output_object); //..... ?>
public class ApiConnection { /* * Example of getting locator trips via ikol API (HTTPS) in json format */ // API script URL private String url_host = "https://api.ikol.pl/"; // Name of the API function private String url_function_iaGetLocatorTrips = "iaGetLocatorTrips?"; // Set timeout private final int TIMEOUT = 10000; private String url_sid = "sid="; private String url_key = "&key="; private String url_starttime = "&starttime="; private String url_stoptime = "&stoptime="; private String url_timezone = "&timezone=utc"; private String url_output_json = "&output=json"; private String url_route_true = "&route=true"; private String url_appkey = "&appkey=YOURAPPKEY"; public void iaGetLocatorTrips(String sid, String key, String starttime, String stoptime) { // compse URI String urlString = url_host url_function_iaGetLocatorTrips url_sid sid url_key key url_starttime starttime url_stoptime stoptime url_timezone url_output_json url_route_true url_appkey; URL url = new URL(new String(urlString.getBytes(), "UTF-8")); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); con.setRequestMethod("GET"); con.setConnectTimeout(TIMEOUT); con.setReadTimeout(TIMEOUT); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()) ); String inputLine; response = new StringBuffer(); while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { response.append(inputLine); } in.close(); // result contains the output string String result = response.toString(); // jsonObject to parse JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(result); //.......... } }